Pregnant women with heart disease need specialized care

By American Heart Association News

Chaloemphon Wanitcharoentham/EyeEm, Getty Images
(Chaloemphon Wanitcharoentham/EyeEm, Getty Images)

患有心脏病的妇女——怀孕期间死亡的主要原因——在怀孕期间应由专门小组密切照顾, according to a new report from the American Heart Association.

Women with preexisting cardiovascular conditions, such as chronic high blood pressure, heart disease and high cholesterol, would benefit from careful monitoring and counseling, from preconception until post-childbirth, the scientific statement says. 医生可能会给你开定期锻炼、药物或其他策略的处方.

“心血管疾病是妊娠相关死亡的主要原因,而且还在增加, 可能是因为女性生孩子的年龄更大,她们更有可能患有心脏病或心脏病风险因素," Dr. 撰写该声明的组织主席拉克西米·梅塔(Laxmi Mehta)在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. 梅塔是哥伦布俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心的医学教授和预防心脏病学和女性心血管健康主任, Ohio.

"For each of these cardiac conditions, 考虑到潜在的胎儿风险,妊娠可能影响治疗,因为药物管理和侵入性手术存在局限性."

Between 1987 and 2015, pregnancy-related deaths rose from 7.2 to 17.2 deaths per 100,000 live births in the United States, 根据周一发表在美国心脏协会期刊上的声明 Circulation. 它强调了心脏病女性的几个潜在危险,这些危险可以通过正确的治疗得到帮助.

For example, 患有高血压疾病子痫前期的孕妇一生中死于心脏病或中风的风险要高出71%. 该声明称,几项研究已经将怀孕期间的定期锻炼与预防子痫前期联系起来.

Other conditions may require pharmaceutical intervention. Pregnant women with valvular heart disease, which increases the risk of a clot-caused ischemic stroke, 是否可以在妊娠早期服用药物来减少凝血, the statement says.

如果病情严重,心律失常可以通过药物或手术治疗. 数据显示,这些疾病正在上升,可能是因为女性生育年龄的推迟.

Older mothers should take extra precautions, the statement says. 高龄产妇(定义为35岁或以上)与早产风险较高有关, chronic hypertension, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

该声明建议,患有心血管疾病的妇女应由包括产科医生在内的心脏产科小组进行护理, cardiologist, anesthesiologist, maternal-fetal medicine specialist and nurses.

While medications may help some patients, 所有准妈妈都应该认识到健康习惯的重要性, Mehta said.

“怀孕期间沙巴足球体育平台方式的作用——无论女性是否患有心血管疾病——怎么强调都不为过," she said. "Healthy diet, moderate exercise including walking, 戒烟和其他健康行为是母亲和孩子健康怀孕的重要工具."

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