Enjoy your nap, but be aware of the pros and cons

By Michael Precker, American Heart Association News

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You could read this story now. 或者你可以先打个盹儿,也许会让你感觉更清醒、更精神.

Health-wise, is that a good idea?

Under the right conditions, for the right reasons, probably – if you're awake to the possible pitfalls.

"A power nap, between 15 and 45 minutes, can improve memory and reduce fatigue for the rest of the day," said Dr. Michael Grandner, 图森亚利桑那大学睡眠与健康研究项目主任. “如果你在其他方面休息得很好,这种小睡实际上可以很好地提高表现."

一些研究甚至将午睡的好处与一杯咖啡进行了比较, 而包括谷歌和美国国家航空航天局在内的一些公司则允许员工在每天的沙巴足球体育平台表上写上午睡沙巴足球体育平台.

But the long-term effects of naps are less conclusive.

For example, a 2019 study in the British medical journal Heart tracked the napping habits of nearly 3,他们发现,每周小睡一到两次的人患心血管疾病的可能性比不午睡的人低48%. 相反,发表在该杂志上的11项研究的荟萃分析 Sleep in 2015 showed people who nap for an hour or more a day had 1.患心血管疾病的几率是不午睡的人的82倍.

“我们对小睡与最佳健康状况或疾病风险之间的关系还不够了解, especially cardiovascular disease," said Dr. Clete Kushida, 他是加州斯坦福大学医学中心的神经学家、精神病学和行为科学教授. "More research needs to be conducted."


"If you're napping because it helps you get through the day, that's probably a good thing," Grandner said. "But if you're napping because you just can't stay awake, that's a sign that there's some underlying health issue. 你要么晚上睡眠不足,要么睡眠质量很差."

美国疾病控制与预防中心估计,三分之一的美国人患有这种疾病.S. 成年人睡眠不足——每晚至少7小时是标准建议——并警告说,这些风险包括心脏病, diabetes, obesity and depression. 即使那些看起来睡得足够长的人也可能患有睡眠呼吸暂停症, 一种常见的睡眠障碍,呼吸经常中断.

“如果一个人白天很困,导致无意或自发的小睡, it usually indicates sleep quantity or sleep quality issues," Kushida said. If the sleep time seems adequate, 他敦促对“睡眠障碍和/或医学疾病”进行评估."


“你不想进入深度睡眠阶段,”格兰德纳说. "If you've ever woken up from a nap that was too long, you know it because you feel miserable and groggy."

Kushida补充说,白天小睡太久会破坏整体睡眠模式. "It's generally recommended to maximize sleep at night," he said.


"I call that the sleep replacement nap," he said. "College students do it a lot. 它们晚上不睡觉,但白天会小睡几个小时. That's not an ideal solution, but it's not terrible, either."


“我们生活在一种不一定重视睡眠的文化中,”格兰德纳说. "We need to stop talking about it as unproductive time, 不要再欣赏那些吹嘘自己睡眠沙巴足球体育平台太少的人了.

"The scientific evidence is there," he said. “睡眠是我们生物学的基本组成部分,就像饮食和体育活动一样. We need to take care of it."

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