


吸食大麻会伤害心脏和血管, according to a report that found no cardiovascular benefits to cannabis use and called for more research of the drug that is growing in popularity.

Cannabis studies have been limited because it is listed as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, 由美国定义.S. Controlled Substances Act as having no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. A new scientific statement from the 美国心脏协会, published Wednesday in its journal 循环, suggests the federal Drug Enforcement Agency remove cannabis from the Schedule I category so it can be widely studied by scientists.

在过去十年中,它的使用有所增加,尤其是在18-25岁的人群中. 总共47美元.S. 美国各州、哥伦比亚特区和美国5个州中的4个.S. 一些地区允许某种形式的大麻使用. 尽管许多州已经将其用于医疗和/或娱乐用途合法化, 大麻种植, 在联邦一级,销售和使用是非法的, 科学研究进一步复杂化.

“我们迫切需要精心设计, prospective short- and long-term studies regarding cannabis use and cardiovascular safety as it becomes increasingly available and more widely used,——罗伯特·L. 该声明的撰写小组主席Page II在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. “公众需要以事实为基础, 关于大麻对心脏和血管影响的有效科学信息. Research funding at federal and state levels must be increased to match the expansion of cannabis use – to clarify the potential therapeutic properties and to help us better understand the cardiovascular and public health implications of frequent cannabis use."

Observational studies have linked the chemicals in marijuana to an increased risk of heart attacks, 心力衰竭和一种叫做心房颤动的心律紊乱, 根据报告.

A recent study cited in the statement suggests 6% of heart attack patients under age 50 use cannabis. Other research found users ages 18-44 had a significantly higher risk of having a stroke compared to nonusers.

“不幸的是, 大多数可用的数据都是短期的, 观察性和回顾性研究, 确定趋势,但不证明因果关系,佩奇说。, who also is professor in the department of clinical pharmacy and the department of physical medicine/rehabilitation at the University of Colorado in Aurora.

"Health care professionals need a greater understanding of the health implications of cannabis, which has the potential to interfere with prescribed medications and/or trigger cardiovascular conditions or events, 比如心脏病发作和中风,他说.

Although cannabis may be helpful for conditions such as muscle stiffness associated with multiple sclerosis, the new statement said cannabis does not appear to have any well-documented benefits for the prevention or treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Some studies suggest cannabis – which contains the "high"-inducing THC (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) and CBD (cannabidiol) – may be safe and effective for older populations. 尽管他们最不可能使用大麻, 老年人用它来减轻神经性疼痛, 在2型糖尿病患者中很常见.

研究人员还报告了对患有与年龄有关的疾病的人有益, 包括帕金森症和阿尔茨海默症, but there is a dearth of research on the long-term effects of cannabis use among this population. 其中一个担忧是它可能与其他药物相互作用, 包括血液稀释剂, 抗抑郁药, 抗精神病药物, 心律失常的抗心律失常药物, 他汀类药物, 可以降低胆固醇水平.

一些研究发现,在吸食大麻一小时内, 四氢大麻酚可引起心律异常. 四氢大麻酚似乎也能刺激交感神经系统, 是什么导致了“战斗还是逃跑”的反应, 导致心率加快, 心脏对氧气的需求更大, higher blood pressure while lying down and dysfunction within the walls of the arteries.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, CBD研究, 哪一种不会使人中毒, 有没有发现与降低心率有关, 降低血压, 增强动脉打开的能力,潜在地减少炎症. 炎症与动脉粥样硬化(动脉缓慢狭窄)有关.

The way cannabis is consumed may influence how it affects the heart and blood vessels.

"Many consumers and health care professionals don't realize that cannabis smoke contains components similar to tobacco smoke,佩奇说. 吸食和吸入大麻, 无论THC含量如何, 能使一氧化碳的浓度增加五倍, 焦油含量增加了三倍, 类似于吸入香烟的效果.

吸食大麻, 以及潜在的健康风险, 是否应该与医疗保健专业人员详细讨论, 报告说.

“如果人们选择将大麻用于医疗或娱乐效果, 口服药和局部用药, 剂量是可以测量的, 可能会减少一些潜在的危害. It is also vitally important that people only use legal cannabis products because there are no controls on the quality or the contents of cannabis products sold on the street,佩奇说.

除了大麻烟雾中的有毒化合物, 吸食大麻可能会导致严重的健康后果, 特别是当与维生素E醋酸酯油混合时, 这些都与 EVALI (与电子烟或电子烟产品使用相关的肺损伤), 去年电子烟使用者中出现的潜在致命疾病.

美国心脏协会建议人们不要吸烟或吸任何物质, 包括大麻产品, 因为这对心脏有潜在的危害, 肺和血管.

Cannabis that is legal for medical purposes should align with patient safety and efficacy, 根据声明, which calls on the federal government to create and require standardized labeling about THC and CBD amounts on all legalized products.

The statement advocates folding cannabis into comprehensive tobacco control and prevention efforts, including age restrictions for purchasing; excise taxes; comprehensive smoke-free air laws; coverage of cessation treatment programs by insurers, Medicare and Medicaid; and medical screening, such as when a patient is admitted to the hospital and routinely screened to avoid medication interactions. 这些努力应得到充分的资助, and at least some portion of the revenue from cannabis taxation should be directed toward programs and services that improve public health.

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