People with slightly high blood pressure may need medication

By American Heart Association News

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(SDI Productions/E+, Getty Images)

如果仅仅改变生活方式不起作用,血压有点高的人应该服用药物来降低血压, according to a new report.

美国心脏协会周四在其杂志上发表了这一科学声明 Hypertension. 报告称,医生应该考虑给1期高血压患者开降压药。1期高血压患者的血压最高在130-139之间,最低在80-89之间,这些患者在改变生活方式(如定期锻炼和健康饮食)6个月后仍无法将血压降下来.

In 2017, 美国心脏病学会和美国心脏协会发布了血压管理指南,建议1期高血压患者和10年内心脏病发作或中风风险较低的人首先尝试通过改变健康的生活方式来降低血压, then check levels again in six months. 但该指南没有说明如果该策略不起作用该怎么办.

The new guidance fills that gap. It would apply to nearly 10% of U.S. adults with high blood pressure.

The statement includes a range of healthy behaviors to lower blood pressure: achieving ideal body weight; exercising; eating less sodium, 增加钾的摄入和遵循饮食方法来控制高血压. Also called DASH, it includes fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products and less saturated fat and total fat. Other changes include limiting alcohol and not smoking.

“我们知道血压低于130/80毫米汞柱的人有更少的心血管风险标志,如冠状动脉钙升高, enlargement of the heart, 或者是颈部动脉中被称为动脉粥样硬化的脂肪沉积," Dr. Daniel W. Jones, chair of the statement writing group, said in a news release. 他是杰克逊密西西比大学医学院的教授和名誉院长.

“有强有力的证据表明,治疗高血压可以降低心脏病发作和中风的风险,从而挽救生命," he said.

琼斯说,努力降低血压的人应该定期检查血压以监测进展. “如果他们的平均每日收缩压不能低于130毫米汞柱, 也许是时候和他们的医生谈谈下一步的实际步骤了, which may include adding medication, to manage their blood pressure."


“在美国和大多数工业化国家,限制钠摄入量以降低血压是非常困难的," Jones said. “对于我们所有人来说,保持健康的体重是很困难的 toxic food environment. 我们希望临床医生建议患者认真对待沙巴足球体育平台方式的改变,并尽最大努力.

“我们当然更希望在不增加药物的情况下达到血压目标,”他说. “然而,成功治疗高血压确实可以延长寿命,提高生活质量."

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American Heart Association News Stories

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