Using app-based bilingual program may improve blood pressure control

By American Heart Association News

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一个通过应用程序和家庭监测将人们和医护人员联系起来的双语项目显示了这种努力在控制高血压方面的潜力, new research shows.

超过一半的未控制的高血压患者在参加该项目后得到了控制, 这项研究将于周六在波士顿举行的美国心脏协会高血压科学会议上发表.


该研究没有将使用该程序的人与接受标准治疗的对照组进行比较, 在完整的研究结果发表在同行评议的期刊上之前,这项工作被认为是初步的.

Dr. Irina Yermilov, the study's lead author, said in a news release 该项目显示了“改善结果和降低血压失控率的潜力”, leading to fewer heart attacks and strokes."

Yermilov is chief medical officer of CAREMINDr, the company that created the app and funded the study.

According to AHA statistics, nearly half of adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure, or hypertension. 美国心脏协会和美国心脏病学会将高血压定义为收缩压持续在130毫米汞柱以上,舒张压持续在80毫米汞柱以上.

The study involved 2,500 participants from 54 federally qualified health centers, or community health clinics, in 13 states.

患者会收到一个手机应用程序,提示他们每天或每周向社区卫生诊所的工作人员提供血压读数. A Spanish-language version was used by 551 participants.

家庭血压计允许患者通过应用程序提交读数. 患者还获得了如何使用该应用程序和监测器的视频. 该应用程序还提供了有关营养和心理健康的链接.

诊所的卫生保健专业人员通过基于网络的门户网站审查信息, which asked how often patients had taken their blood pressure medications; whether they had experienced any symptoms related to their medications; and whether they had any trouble getting medications.

门户网站根据患者的反应对他们的关注程度进行优先排序, 医疗保健专业人员可以通过应用程序或电话与患者沟通.

研究人员分析了参与研究至少90天的患者的数据. The average length of participation was 227 days.

在这项研究中,研究人员认为血压在140/90以下是可以控制的. 在项目开始时,31%的患者血压得到控制. By the end, 61% did.

Among patients who started with uncontrolled blood pressure, 55%的人在参与后实现了控制血压的测量.

在使用西班牙语版应用程序的参与者中, 35% started with controlled blood pressure. 在参加该计划平均220天后,70%的人血压得到了控制. 当研究人员只观察那些在研究开始时血压不受控制的西班牙语参与者时, 2 out of 3 had controlled blood pressure by the end of the study.

结果表明,将远程数字监测与医疗保健专业人员的反馈相结合,可以提高现实世界中的血压控制率, at-risk population without increasing the overall cost of care, Yermilov said.


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