High blood pressure before 35 may triple Black women's stroke risk

By American Heart Association News

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黑人女性在30多岁和40多岁时接受过高血压治疗,与没有高血压治疗史的同龄人相比,她们患中风的风险要高得多, new research suggests.

研究结果显示,35岁以下接受高血压治疗的黑人女性, also known as hypertension, had triple the risk of having a stroke, 而那些在45岁之前患上这种疾病的人的风险是前者的两倍.

The findings, 该研究将于下周在凤凰城举行的美国中风协会国际中风会议上发表, 在完整的结果发表在同行评议的期刊上之前都被认为是初步的吗.

“这项研究的动机是我在自己的实践中看到的明显差异," lead researcher Dr. Hugo J. Aparicio said in a news release. 他是波士顿大学的神经学副教授 & Avedisian School of Medicine. “在我的黑人患者和女性患者中,中风发生的年龄更小. Early-onset stroke, particularly at midlife, 是否因为这些病人通常有家人或照顾生病的家人而更加悲惨."

年轻时中风也“与死亡风险增加有关”, 以及身体残疾的负担,给中风幸存者和他们的家人带来了许多问题," he said.

Hypertension rates among Black adults in the U.S. are among the highest in the world, according to American Heart Association statistics. Roughly 58% of Black women in the U.S. have high blood pressure, compared to 43% of white women, 38% of Asian women and 35% of Hispanic women.

The new analysis used self-reported data from the Black Women's Health Study, which enrolled 59,000 Black women across the U.S. in 1995. During up to 23 years of follow-up, 3.2% of participants had a stroke.

在24岁至34岁之间开始接受高血压治疗的黑人女性患中风的可能性是没有高血压史的女性的三倍. Those treated before age 45 had more than double the risk of stroke. 如果在45岁到64岁之间开始治疗,中风的风险增加69%.

“我们希望看到年轻时患高血压与中年和晚年中风之间的联系," Aparicio said. "However, 看到两国关系的规模之大,我们感到惊讶和担忧, 尤其是那些在35岁之前就开始服用抗高血压药物的女性."

他说,这些发现特别引人注目,因为研究人员已经考虑到了可能影响结果的重要因素. 这些因素包括吸烟、体重、糖尿病状况和社区社会经济状况. 研究人员还对居住在美国某些地区的人进行了调整.S. where stroke is more common and where stroke mortality is higher, 主要集中在包括东南地区在内的“中风带”.

许多因素可能导致黑人女性早期高血压的发展. Michelle A. Albert said in the release. Albert, who was not involved in the research, is the Walter A. 哈斯-露西·斯特恩是加州大学心脏病学教授和医学教授, San Francisco.

“一个未被充分研究的因素是,与其他种族和民族的女性相比,多种社会心理压力因素的累积影响可能不成比例地影响黑人女性,而不管社会经济地位如何。," Albert said. “这些压力源的影响也可能会影响黑人女性接受和维持整体护理的能力."

阿帕里西奥说,他希望医疗保健专业人员在黑人女性的一生中更加关注高血压筛查和治疗. “卫生保健政策需要改变,这样初级预防才能得到促进和资助,因为黑人妇女在中年时中风, it is often too late," he said.

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