
By American Heart Association News

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患有创伤后应激障碍的黑人退伍军人比白人退伍军人和没有创伤后应激障碍的黑人退伍军人更有可能在中风后再次住院, a new study has found.

The study, which reviewed data from more than 93,000 veterans, was published Thursday in the American Heart Association journal Stroke.

先前的研究表明,患有创伤后应激障碍的人患心脏病和中风的风险更高,而且他们患中风的年龄比一般人要小. 研究还表明,黑人成年人中风后再次住院的风险更高. 但这是第一批分析创伤后应激障碍如何影响中风后情况的研究之一.

创伤后应激障碍是一种精神健康障碍,影响那些经历过震惊的人, scary or dangerous event. It can lead to intense anxiety, 当沙巴体育平台点击进入或情境触发对原始创伤的记忆时,会出现闪回或其他症状.

"We were expecting to see PTSD playing a role in all veterans, 所以我们对非裔美国人和白人退伍军人在创伤后应激障碍和其他风险因素方面的差异感到惊讶," Dr. Chen Lin, the study's senior author, said in a news release.

Using a Veterans Health Administration database, 研究人员观察了患有创伤后应激障碍的退伍军人中风后的情况. “主要目的是确定那些患有创伤后应激障碍和中风的人中风复发或再入院的风险是否不同,以及种族是否影响再入院率。," said Lin, 他是伯明翰退伍军人管理医疗中心的神经学家,也是伯明翰阿拉巴马大学的神经病学副教授.

该研究使用了93,651名退伍军人的数据,这些退伍军人曾在美国任何VA医疗中心住院.S. for a first stroke of any type between 1999 and 2022. Their average age was slightly less than 69. Among those studied, 97% were male, about 22% were Black and 63% were white. They were followed for an average of five years.

Nearly 17,000名中风患者——约占退伍军人总数的18%——因各种原因被重新送往退伍军人医院. Almost 14% of stroke patients were diagnosed with PTSD.

In their analysis, researchers looked at factors such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and narrowing of the arteries outside of the heart. 他们还考虑了非法药物或酒精滥用,以前的心脏病发作或吸烟史.

研究发现,与没有PTSD的黑人退伍军人相比,患有PTSD的黑人退伍军人再入院的风险要高出10%. 患有PTSD的白人退伍军人再入院的风险比没有PTSD的白人退伍军人高5%.

"In those with PTSD, 总体而言,非裔美国退伍军人的结果比白人退伍军人差," Lin said.

在黑人退伍军人中,2型糖尿病或非法药物使用与中风后再住院的风险较高有关, 但同样的风险因素与白人退伍军人再次住院的风险无关.

在白人退伍军人中,高胆固醇与更高的再住院风险显著相关, but not among Black veterans.

High blood pressure, 既往心脏病发作和心脏外动脉狭窄增加了黑人和白人退伍军人中风后再入院的风险.

"In both the African American and white populations, 有一些重要的健康状况可以在中风后再入院的风险中发挥作用," Lin said. “中风后的出院护理一直是一个挑战,人们发现很难去诊所, especially if they have disabilities limiting their walking and driving ability. However, 当然,针对可改变的风险因素,需要更有针对性的护理, such as Type 2 diabetes and illicit drug use."

该研究的作者指出,他们的发现受到退伍军人管理局数据库信息的限制. The results also may not be generalizable to female, Asian American or Native American veterans, 在这项研究中,谁构成了中风退伍军人数据集的一小部分.

林说,这些发现“强调了我们可以做的重要事情来改善中风后的护理, such as focusing on high-risk populations, reducing modifiable risk factors, 实现更严格的2型糖尿病控制,并为可能需要处方药治疗的退伍军人提供治疗."

American Heart Association News Stories

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