

When taken exactly as prescribed, medications can do wonders. 它们可以帮助预防 心脏病 和 中风. They can also prevent complications 和 slow the progression of 冠心病.

Some of the commonly prescribed medications used to treat 心律失常 在本节中进行了总结. It's important to discuss all the drugs you take with your health care team. It's important to underst和 how they work 和 the possible side effects. Never stop taking a medication 和 never change your dose or frequency without first talking to your health care professional.


有症状的 心动过速 和 premature beats may be treated with a variety of medications. These may be given intravenously in an emergency or orally for long-term treatment. These drugs either lessen the abnormal signals from the sinus node or inhibit the movement of signals in the heart tissue that may conduct too fast or allow signals to re-enter.

在患有 心房纤颤, a *blood thinner (anticoagulant or antiplatelet) is usually added to reduce the risk of blood clots 和 中风. 了解更多有关AFib药物的信息.

经常发生心动过速或早搏, the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic drug therapy may be gauged by electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring in a hospital, 通过使用24小时 动态心电监测 或者用 电生理学的测试.

The use of antiarrhythmic drug therapy must be balanced against two disadvantages. One is that the drugs must be taken daily 和 indefinitely. 另一个是副作用的风险. 而副作用是所有药物的风险, those associated with antiarrhythmic drugs can be very hard to manage. 其中一个副作用是 proarrhythmia, the more-frequent occurrence of preexisting 心律失常 or the appearance of new 心律失常.


钙通道阻滞剂, 也被称为“钙拮抗剂”," work by interrupting the movement of calcium into heart 和 blood vessel tissue. 除了被用来治疗 高血压,它们也被用来治疗 心绞痛(胸痛) 和/或一些 心律失常.


受体阻滞剂降低 心率 和 cardiac output, which lowers blood pressure by blocking the effects of adrenalin. 它们也用于治疗心脏病 心律失常 在治疗中 心绞痛.


抗凝血剂 (blood thinners) work by making it harder for the blood to clot or coagulate. 它们不是用来溶解现有的血凝块的. They prevent new clots from forming or existing clots from getting larger. Because a common type of 中风 is caused by a blood clot obstructing blood flow to the brain, anticoagulants are often prescribed for people with certain conditions to prevent a first 中风 or to prevent recurrence of a 中风. 抗凝血剂 are also given to people at risk for forming blood clots, such as those with 人工心脏瓣膜 或者有谁 心房纤颤.


  • 严格按照处方服用所有药物.
  • Never stop taking any prescription medication without first consulting your health care professional.
  • Tell your health care professional about any side effect you have.
  • Tell your health care team about all your other drugs 和 supplements, 包括非处方药, 草药和维生素.
  • Many rhythm disorders, especially 心动过速, respond to medications. These medicines can't cure the arrhythmia, but they can improve symptoms. 他们通过阻止情节的开始来做到这一点, decreasing the 心率 during the episode or shortening how long it lasts.
  • Sometimes it's hard to find the best medication for a child. Several drugs may need to be tried before the right one is found. Some children must take medication every day; others need medications only when they have a tachycardia-type episode. It's very important to take the medication as prescribed.
  • All medications have side effects, including drugs to treat 心律失常. Most of the side effects aren't serious 和 disappear when the dose is adjusted or the medication is stopped. 但有些副作用非常严重. That's why some children are admitted to the hospital to begin the medication. 如果你的孩子是处方药, it's very important that your child takes it exactly as prescribed.
  • It's often necessary to monitor how much of a drug is in your child's blood. The goal is to make sure there's enough of the drug to be effective, 但不会产生有害的副作用. These blood tests require taking a small amount of blood from a vein or the finger. It's a good idea to talk to your child about this before the doctor visit.

* Some medications are commonly called blood thinners because they can help reduce a blood clot from forming. There are two main types of blood thinners that patients commonly take: anticoagulants such as warfarin, 达比加群(Eliquis)和利伐沙班(Xarelto), 抗血小板药物如阿司匹林或氯吡格雷. Each type of medication has a specific function to prevent a blood clot from forming or causing a blocked blood vessel, 心脏病发作或中风.