


美国心脏协会的劳动力健康平等倡议, 与德勤健康公平研究所合作, 和人力资源管理协会基金会, is convening 雇主 and industry leaders to build a comprehensive roadmap that creates tools, 资源, and knowledge products to improve the 健康 and well-being of our nation’s 劳动力.


The 《沙巴体育平台点击进入》中的健康公平 provides 雇主 with an actionable blueprint to address 健康 inequities and positively impact the 健康 of their 劳动力. 有详细的指导, 衡量进步的经济见解和方法, 该指南为企业领导者提供了建立以员工为中心的企业的工具, 公平的健康和福祉文化.





健康公平是当每个人 in society has an optimal and just opportunity to attain their highest level of 健康. 这意味着要解决不平等的根源.


2019冠状病毒病大流行 and exacerbated stark 健康 inequities in American communities and increased the number of business leaders, 希望减少这些卫生不平等现象的决策者和其他利益攸关方.


在工作中实现健康平等 involves creating systems that give all employees fair and unbiased opportunities and 资源 so that they can achieve their highest level of 健康 and well-being.


系统性偏见或歧视 in the workplace can be a major barrier to 健康 equity that negatively impacts employee 健康, 生产力, 士气和保留.


卫生不公平的成本日益增加 预计将花费美国50亿美元.S. 根据德勤(Deloitte)的研究,到2040年,中国每年的经济规模将达到1万亿美元.


实现卫生公平 in the 劳动力 involves eliminating gaps in 健康 and well-being outcomes across different employee sub-populations (gender, 比赛, 种族, 等.).


增进了解 卫生公平是必要的, 60%的人力资源专业人士表示不理解这个词.


更广泛的社会因素 community have a significant impact on an employee’s ability to be 健康y, especially income. 解决这些健康的社会驱动因素是每个人的事.


雇主可以提升 健康 equity as a business and operational 策略 that leads to better employee 健康 outcomes.


一个关键的战略方针 就是设计, 实施和评估全面的健康和福利政策和计划, 包括整体福利, 从公平的角度来看.


组织可以测量 他们的进步和成功通过一致的数据收集, 关键评估和持续监测.



工作场所的健康公平 is when all employees have the opportunity to achieve their highest level of 健康 and well-being. 美国大约有1.67亿成年人.S. 劳动力, and given that poor 健康 leads to higher 医疗费用 and lost 生产力, business leaders have a vested interest in promoting a culture of 健康 equity and well-being that addresses inequity, 歧视和偏见.

不作为的代价是高昂的. 根据德勤最近的一项分析, 美国每年的医疗不公平支出约为3200亿美元.S. 医疗保健支出,如果不加以解决,可能会使美国的经济损失.S. 到2040年每年1万亿美元.

两者都有 促进工作场所卫生公平的道德和商业理由. 从道德的角度来看, mitigating 健康 inequities could decrease human suffering by positively impacting quality of life and life expectancy. Organizations should strive to improve the quality of human life if they (not we) are able to do so. 从商业角度来看, addressing 健康 inequities could lead to a reduction in all types of direct and indirect costs ranging from reduced spending on 健康 care to increased 生产力 and improved business performance.



每年U.S. 健康





By 2040



成本你.S. 雇主







先前的研究表明,健康的员工队伍可以减少缺勤, 的现象, 医疗费用, 提高生产力. 在工作场所旷工可能会让美国付出损失.S. 雇主每小时雇员3600美元,每名受薪雇员每年2650美元.

种族歧视, 性别歧视, 恐同症, and other forms of bias and discrimination in the 劳动力 can also have economic costs. 大约33%的黑人员工, 26%的亚裔员工, and 21% of Hispanic Latino employees report unfair treatments at their place of work due to their 比赛 or 种族. 工作中的歧视会导致慢性压力, 高血压等慢性疾病的风险因素是什么. 种族主义让美国付出了巨大的代价.S. 在过去的20年里,经济损失了16万亿美元的机会成本.


有关这19项策略的更详细讨论,请下载 雇主资源指南.


  • Prioritize 健康 equity as a strategic business imperative by embedding it into the mindset, 策略, 操作, 资源分配, 和人才.
  • Design and implement comprehensive 健康 and well-being policies and programs 从公平的角度来看.
  • Train managers in 健康 equity and equip them with 资源 to implement and sustain 健康 equity strategies.

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.

Enhance diversity and inclusion by recruiting and retaining professionals from diverse backgrounds.

  • 采取措施,尽量减少招聘和留用过程中的偏见和歧视.
  • 提倡对所有员工进行文化和语言上有效的培训.
  • 提供带薪探亲假、病假和病假.

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.

Create an inclusive and supportive environment where employees of all backgrounds are treated with respect and have equal opportunities for success.

  • Offer comprehensive and affordable 健康 care coverage for all employees without regard to racial or ethnic backgrounds.
  • 为所有员工提供多元化、公平和包容的培训. 注:考虑到州一级政策环境的变化, we recommend that these activities are carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.
  • Support employee financial well-being through financial education, benefits and other 资源.
  • Adopt anti-discrimination principles and implement anti-discrimination policies (e.g.种族、性别、宗教等.).
  • 促进员工健康知识和员工福利知识.
  • Review communications for cultural appropriateness, diverse representation and accessibility.
  • 提供并促进员工援助计划(eap)的使用.

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.

Implement policies and practices that support the fair and equal advancement of all employees to ensure inclusion and equitable growth.

  • 在绩效过程和评估中包括公平度量和指标.
  • Ensure employees have a voice in organizational decision-making, where appropriate.
  • 确保薪酬公平,促进最低生活工资.

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.

Drive equity by actively incorporating principles of fairness and justice into an organization’s products, 它所经营的社区内的服务和关系.

  • Look for opportunities to expand diversity of supplier pool and engage businesses owned by underrepresented owners (e.g. 女性所有、黑人所有、LGBTQIA+所有的企业). 
  • Strive to assemble a leadership team that is composed of people from diverse backgrounds and representatives of the 劳动力 and community.
  • 提倡 for science-backed public 健康 policies in communities through collaborations and alliances.

*This information does not constitute legal advice; these activities should be carefully reviewed in consultation with legal and HR advisors prior to implementation to assess risk as well as compliance with any applicable laws.