Why Do I Eat When I’m Not Hungry?

H和s showing choice between an apple or donut


Does this sound like you — able to control your 部分 sometimes but losing control 和 uncontrollably eating large amounts of food at other times? This is called "binge eating," 和 lots of people do it.

A binge is when you eat a lot of food in a short time, 和 it's usually not healthy food. 暴食 is bad for you, especially if you have 糖尿病.


Many people eat when they are feeling upset, angry, 强调、悲伤、孤独或恐惧. Emotions such as these can be powerful triggers to eat.

If you're an emotional eater, you can learn healthier ways to react to your emotions. Emotions usually don't last long — become mindful of yourself not eating for a short time, 直到情绪过去. 试一试 going for a brisk walk around the block or doing some yoga instead.


For many people, dinner is only the start of their nighttime eating. There's nothing wrong with a healthy snack such as fruit, plain popcorn or whole-wheat toast with a little 花生酱 a couple of hours after dinner. 然而, nighttime eating is a problem when you eat large amounts of food or foods high in saturated fat, sodium 和 calories such as cookies, 芯片, 全脂冰淇淋, 三明治或剩菜.

If nighttime eating is a problem for you, try to eat most of your calories during daylight hours. Reach for a light, healthy snack in the evening.



饼干 1 piece whole-wheat toast with 花生酱
糖果 1片新鲜水果
芯片 两杯普通爆米花
奶酪和饼干 ½ cup fat-free or 1% cottage cheese with apple slices
披萨 ½ to 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables
冰淇淋 ½ to 1 cup low-fat yogurt (flavored or plain)

To help control binge, emotional 和 nighttime eating:

  • Get into the habit of eating three healthy meals a day — breakfast, lunch 和 dinner — so you never get too hungry.
  • Don't keep binge foods at home. If you're a binge eater, you know which foods you usually reach for. Common binge foods are cookies, c和y, ice cream or 芯片.
  • Make a list of other things you'll do instead of overeating. Here are some suggestions:
    • Take a walk or enjoy another 体育活动.
    • Talk to a friend who can help you get your feelings under control.
    • 做你喜欢的事, 比如阅读, playing or listening to music, playing with pets or children, doing arts 和 crafts or taking a relaxing bath.
    • Do some physical work, such as gardening or housecleaning.

If these behaviors become regular or you feel stuck, talk with your health care professional about what you can do.





