

People with prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes are more likely to have 高胆固醇, 高血压 还有高血糖. They are also likely to be overweight or obese. All these factors increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other serious health problems.

If you have prediabetes or diabetes, it's crucial to monitor blood 胆固醇, blood pressure, 血糖 和重量.

Maybe you aren’t experiencing any symptoms. Why is monitoring these numbers still important? Keep in mind that there are no clear symptoms for people with prediabetes, and diabetes may be severe before there are any 警告 迹象.


通过抽血, your health care professional can conduct a lipid profile to check your blood 胆固醇 and 葡萄糖测试 检查你的血糖. Your blood pressure 和重量 are even easier to check with a blood pressure monitor and scale.

Between health care visits, you can monitor and track your 血糖, blood pressure 和重量. Easy-to-use home glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors and scales are available at retailers, 药店和网上. By keeping track of your numbers in between health care visits, you will be better able to manage your health.

Target numbers for people with diabetes

People with diabetes should keep these health numbers within the following ranges:

关键运行状况标记 推荐使用范围 更多的信息
The amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood

HbA1c (glycosylated hemoglobin) more than 5.7%和小于6%.4%


HbA1c (glycosylated hemoglobin) greater than 6.5%
血糖 is also measured by the amount of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in your blood. An A1c test gives you a picture of your average 血糖 control for the past 2 to 3 months and provides you with a better idea of how well your diabetes treatment plan is working.
The force of blood against the arteries when the heart beats and rests
< 130/ 80mmhg 血压 is typically measured by an automatic cuff. Systolic pressure (top number) is the peak pressure in the arteries, and diastolic pressure (bottom number) is the lowest pressure.

获取更多关于 高血压.
A waxy substance produced by the liver
Get your 胆固醇 checked and talk to your health care professional about your numbers and how they impact your overall risk. Because 胆固醇 is unable to dissolve in the blood, it must be transported to and from the cells by carriers called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein (or LDL) 胆固醇, is known as "bad" 胆固醇; high-density lipoprotein (or HDL) 胆固醇, 被称为“好”胆固醇.

获取更多关于 胆固醇.



Waistline smaller than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men

A person's ideal body weight varies by gender, age, height and frame. Your body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference provide good indicators of whether you are at a healthy weight.

获取更多关于 体重管理.

下载: The Numbers You Need to Know (PDF)

If your numbers are not at the target level, work with your health care team to develop a plan to reach these goals.



Get monthly science-based diabetes and heart-healthy tips in your inbox. Know 糖尿病 by Heart raises awareness that living with Type 2 diabetes increases risk for heart disease and stroke – and that people should talk with their doctor at their next appointment about ways to reduce risk.